Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My life as a slave in the Mayan Empire

Dear Journal,
         Today I had to clean master's wagon. I am very tired. He made me spend 4 hours on this. I don't think he yet knows of my intelligence; he has no idea that I have trained myself to read and write so I may not be fooled and tricked. I don't think I really have enough strength to keep writing, because of the crazy task he made me do. I mean 4 HOURS!?!? I got my revenge though: I peed on his seat. I am going to take a long nice nap; his family is coming for dinner tonight and I need my rest but as I lie there I wonder. What kept me from being owned by Master Thomas, or Sir Riley... but O had to get Mr. Burns, the most old and horrid old man I have ever met. I just wonder.

Dear Journal,
          I'm back and I am SO happy. My master is DEAD I mean I didn't expect this but... YES! The family was having dinner when Mr. Burns started choking on a peace of cabbage. He struggled so dearly and signaled to his Aunt Mimi to wrap her arms around his stomach and thrust up. She did this maybe 3 or 4 times before the green was forced out of his throat. He lived. He was dazed and wanted to go upstairs to lay down but right when he was going up the little girl put her foot out on accident and tripped him. His neck made a strange formation, but then the man of the visitors came and made a gesture to straighten it and said, "Just a crook in the neck." He was saved AGAIN. Then, he continued up the stairs. After, the guest left I went upstairs to see master had died in his sleep. I was FREE! When the ruler heard he said he had a "special" sentence for me that I, him, and the gods would enjoy. They are probably gonna give me a new master and a new home. The suprize comes tomorrow I can't wait to see what it is.

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